Certificate of Origin

Now no hassle in sending your documents through courier and pay for it.  We will help you to save you time and money. CertificateofOrigin.org is now offering you online services of certificate submission for your Certificate of Invoice and the Certificate of Origin. Its easy like a,b,c. Just follow the following steps
1. Click here to Start
2. Enter the details of the CO/CI in the provided form on Step1
3. Enter the item details on step2. You can add as many items as you want. After entering last item simply click on Finish submitting.
4. You  have done.
1. Your CO/CI will be saved in our database for future use. You may review them later by using your email ID as Username and Last Name as Password.
2. Press Next after entering all primary details of CO/CI. This will take you to the respective forms where you can enter Items and their description. To add more than one item click on "Add More" and after entering last items details click on "Save and Exit"
3. If your returning customer and your browser cookies are enabled then next time you will see the details are filled up already. You  may modify them if required. It will save your time of re-entering the details submitted earlier.
4.For more details please go through our FAQ.